Did you know the second tallest structure in the world is in North Dakota? It's a TV tower, and we were able to see it, from 12 miles away. Pretty impressive...as far as TV towers go.
Today as I was riding, I looked down at my legs and did not recognize them as mine. My legs aren’t shaped that way! My legs don’t pump the pedals at 20 mph for mile after mile! But they are…and they do. We have no idea of the changes we are capable of. (Oh God, she’s going to get all philosophical now….) It’s true, if there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that I have the power to change things in my life. I used to think that unhappiness was my lot in life. That’s not true for anyone!
We start out in this life as happy human beings. If that changes along the way, it’s because WE changed it. Change it back, please! I’ve realized that I have powers I never dreamed of. I have the power to make a difference in this life, and help people. This bike ride is evidence of that. Years ago, I never would have thought I could ride a bike across the United States. Now I know I can….wow, what else can I do? I’ve also realized that I have the power to make people smile. That’s a big one!
It’s a pretty cool world out there, full of cool people. I’m going to try to meet as many as I can, and when I find them, I’m going to keep them in my life. For example, I have two awesome friends from my past: Kevin and Gino. I let distance come between us, and I didn’t keep in touch with them. My friends are so important to me, I don’t want to let that happen again.
Anyway, today was a very strong day on the bike. I got an early start, at 6:00, and happily discovered a Port-a-Potty behind the school in Hope. I had an excellent night’s sleep, so I was ready to ride! Chuck said he’d meet me in Cooperstown for breakfast. I got there at 8:00 and had a fabulous breakfast of a pancake, two eggs over easy and homefries. The coffee was the best we’ve had in a long time, too. We met some great people there, and one of them bought our breakfast and gave me a little extra too.
My destination for the day was Pekin. There was a place recommended by the ACA called the Prairie View Lodge. I flew down the road to Pekin. I think I averaged 20 mph because I got up to 30 a few times. It was an incredible ride. I love getting an early start! It was nice and cool, and all the birds were busy gathering their breakfast. I saw my first North Dakota deer, too. The beauty was just incredible; have you ever felt like you were inside one of your dreams? That’s how it was, like I was living a dream I had once, where I was surrounded by waving fields and rolling hills, a few lakes and healthy, strong, beautiful trees.
We stopped at the Lodge and told them what we’re doing. They said they could give us a discount as a donation. They gave us a room, which doubles as their office, for half price. We drove to Tolna and had lunch at a place called the “Friends and Neighbors CafĂ©”. Grilled cheese and mashed potatoes, and Chuck got a rhubarb malt (malts are popular out west). It was SO yummy, I probably drank most of it!
Now we’re hanging out in the room. Chuck’s writing music and I’m blogging. I’m glad we got the room (they offered us a tent site for free), since I keep hearing thunder and it was pouring rain a little while ago. I’d love another day of riding like today! I need to do some maintenance on my bike though. Off to work!
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