Whew, the rough nights just keep coming. Still no sleep, and I was in a really comfortable bed surrounded by soft pillows. I’m getting a really late start today because I kept trying to sleep, with no luck. Just went for breakfast in the hotel and it was absolutely awful. Home fries that bad should not even be served to Canada geese! I was hoping to run into the two gentlemen from last night, but they were probably long gone. I gave them my contact info, so I’m sure I’ll hear from them.
Not sure how I’m going to find the Canalway Trail again, but I Google Mapped it, so I’ve got some scribbled directions that will hopefully help. I had really hoped to make it to Niagara Falls today, but it’s late and it’s a long way off. I’ll shoot for Lockport. There’s actually a campground there, so we’ll try the tent again. The new pillow didn’t work out the night before last, but I had stuck a pile of my clothes under it. I’ll skip that this time, and see how we do. No little alcohol bottles either. Perhaps that’s messing with my sleep too. Or maybe I just miss Chuck!
Gonna pack up my stuff, try to clean up my bike and head out. Write more when I get settled tonight. Later, dudes.
So, a tough day of riding followed by a really nice surprise. It was spitting rain a little bit, so I took out my rain jacket, but after a while, I didn’t need it. Turned into a bright, sunny, WINDY day. Riding was hard because of the headwind, and the path was mostly gravel, with only a few sections paved. I rode from Rochester to Spencerport, which was a lovely town. Definitely the kind of place I’d like to come back to. I’ve been so impressed to see the amenities available for bikers on this trail. In Brockport, there was a sign that said “Bikers take notice! We have showers, bathrooms, wifi, television, etc. available for your use.” Of course I didn’t require any of those things when I was passing through, but I think that’s pretty cool. I met a very nice man on the path, and we chatted for a little while. He’s a psychiatrist, and definitely looked the part. Very distinguished with his mustache perfectly curled at the ends. I told him I was reading the Four Agreements, and he said, “There’s some good points in that, but it seems to me that if you live your life by the Four Agreements, your existence is somewhat lacking in passion.” I thought to myself, “Obviously, you haven’t seen Chuck and me together.”
When I pulled into Holley, I was standing there looking perplexed when one of the “canal guys” came down from his little booth and said, “You look like you have a question…or three.” I said, “Yes, I was wondering if there’s anywhere here that I can get a slice of pizza.” He directed me into town to a little pizza shop, but no pizza to be had for me, sadly. All they had was pepperoni, by the slice. I got a pretty good veggie sandwich, ate half and saved the other half for later. Got way down the bike path before I realized I hadn’t paid for my water. Ooops! Kept on going to Albion, getting tired at this point. I made it as far as Knowlesville, and I was pretty tuckered out. I took the advice of the first canal guy and looked for a canal guy at this town. Found one, and he was SO nice (his name was Mike). He told me there was a cheap motel nearby, but said I could pitch my tent by the bridge if I wanted. That worked for me! He offered me the use of the restroom and even went to the store and picked up a few groceries for me. I’m sitting here by the canal eating yummy peanut butter on crackers, drinking milk (no booze for me tonight) and just about to go to bed. I got a sleeping mask and my pillow’s ready for some serious sleeping action!
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