Today was a great day. The weather was perfect, a little windy, but I didn’t mind because it kept the bugs away and cooled me off. The ride from West Leyden to Osceola was amazing. Very few climbs, lots of fun downhill runs, and just peace and beauty.
Going through Osceola, Redfield, Orwell and Richland was interesting. People didn’t really acknowledge me at all, or even look at me, and the few people that did just stared at me when I said “Hi” in a creepy, Deliverance kind of way.
I stopped in Osceola at a place called the Big Bear Country Store Restaurant. Well, it was the only place around! The owner gave me a hard time when I tried to park my bike on the porch, so I moved it. They had signs all over the front door that said “NO PUBLIC RESTROOMS!! WE MEAN IT! YOU CANNOT USE THE RESTROOM UNLESS YOU SPEND $1 OR MORE!” I think they’d get a better response without those signs, but that’s just me. I came in for lunch and tried to use the restroom, but they keep them locked. The owner’s wife (I’m assuming) gave me the key. The menu was mostly meat, so I ordered a grilled cheese sandwich and a glass of milk. There was a pretty interesting National Geographic show on about tiger fish, so I settled in to watch that while I ate. The sandwich was decent, the milk was good, I was happy, so I went on my way. I finally got cell phone service outside of Orwell, so I checked in with Chuck. Had to make sure he’s doing OK without me, you know! He is.
I decided to stop for the night at the Selkirk Shore State Park near Port Ontario. It’s a very clean, nice park, but I asked for a site near the showers and the lady at the desk neglected to mention that there was someone in a site just across from me with THREE BARKING DOGS. That would have been a useful bit of information when choosing a tent site. I sure hope they let me sleep tonight………..
A little while ago, I walked around to see if I could spot Lake Ontario, and I did. It’s just incredible to stand near it. It’s like the ocean, so enormous, with waves crashing on the shore. I just stood there in awe. I took a few pictures and then walked around to see if anyone would share a cup with me. (After realizing I’m camping next to three dogs, I realized I would need a few drinks, courtesy of my good friend, Russell). I found a nice couple just sitting there enjoying the view and started a conversation with them. We had to talk very loudly since their “cute” little dog wouldn’t stop barking at me. They gave me a cup and insisted that I take a piece of lemon poppyseed cake. It was yummy.
Just had my dinner, some soup heated up in the Jet Boil, which worked exceptionally well. I’m also having some more rice crackers, looks like the last of those….sniff! I’m pretty full though, since I had to eat the whole can of soup. No storing leftovers on this trip! Ahhh, the soothing sounds of barking dogs………. I’m off to dreamland! (Where’s that Grand Marnier?)
THIS IS EMILY Wow. I didn't realize I had missed some entries. You've got to be kidding me though. My grandmother lived in Orwell until a year and a half ago when she passed away and I am very familiar with all those places! I wish I had known you were going there and I could have set you up with an uncle or cousin. WE USED TO GO TO SELKIRK EVERY SUMMER! I loved it there. And you described the people of that area perfectly! I can see their creepy stares so clearly now. Haha. I hope you are having a great day today! It's my last day of school. Woo! <3