OK, so how do I write about today without sounding horribly negative? Let’s just say it had its ups and downs (ha ha).
I got up around 7:00, after another restless night…a comfortable one, but restless unfortunately. I was pretty hungry, so I went downstairs to see if the hotel served breakfast, but I guess they don’t. Then I walked across the street to the general store, but they were closed and I didn’t see a sign with their hours. I went back to the hotel, uploaded some pictures, updated my blog, and packed up my trailer. I had spread everything out overnight so it was all wonderfully dry.
I was just hanging out and wandering around, when I had the sense to pick up a local guidebook (good sense comes to me every now and then). It told me of a place just down the road that serves breakfast at 6:30! I could have been enjoying a yummy breakfast 2 hours ago! I headed right over there, and it was great. A cup of coffee (which is a luxury these days), 2 eggs over easy, homefries and toast for $5.00. The waitress was VERY nice and we chatted for quite a while, since it was a slow morning for her. I met a nice couple (Robert and Barbara) and I chatted with them and they gave me a donation for my ride. The waitress (wish I had gotten her name) set me up with some bug repellent that was guaranteed to keep the black flies away, but she warned me: don’t get it on your hands and touch your bike, because it MELTS PLASTIC. I’m putting this stuff on my body???
Anyway, I left the restaurant feeling wonderfully satisfied and headed down the road. It was just beautiful and I was making really good time. Saw one of those big birds that hang out in marshes (I really don’t know birds…at all). People were smiling and waving at me and life was just great. Until I pulled into Tupper Lake, NOT on my map! I had gone COMPLETELY the wrong direction…a long way!!!
I pulled into one of the many biker bars they seem to have around here, and the nice gentleman there set to work calling everyone he knew to get me a ride back to Long Lake. (Hey, I have no problem accepting a ride if I’ve screwed up and gone 20 miles out of my way) I waited for a while, but it wasn’t looking promising, so I decided to start walking with my thumb out. I walked for about 5 minutes when a truck pulled over and waved me to come over to him. It was someone the man at the biker bar had called and he was SO nice. He told me his name was “Level Steve” because he used to be in the military and still had a military haircut. He told me his wife had died in his arms a few years ago, and ever since that day, he decided to spend the rest of his life doing things for other people. I said, “Hey, me too!” He took me back to Long Lake, and when I tried to buy him a beer, he refused, and instead bought ME a ginger ale! Unbelievable. Maybe I was just supposed to meet this guy, this Level Steve. He was pretty amazing.
So I had an overpriced seafood wrap at the restaurant, and headed off to Blue Mountain Lake (this time in the right direction). There were quite a few hills between Long Lake and Blue Mountain Lake, and when I got there, there really wasn’t much to speak of. I kept on going to Raquette Lake. I pulled into “town” and asked a local if there was a restaurant ahead. He said, “Yeah, there’s the Taproom in ‘town’ but this place across the street does a great fish fry!” I really wasn’t in the mood for fried fish after my big sandwich, so I passed on that and headed for the Taproom. Not my kind of place. Another biker bar, really hot inside and for a taproom, they didn’t have anything on tap! Just Rolling Rock I think. I had 2 ginger ales, since I had decided to press on. When the bikers passed me on Route 28, they all beeped and waved. Guess I made an impression (??).
I arrived in Inlet, rode for a while, and when I saw a state campground sign, that was it. I pulled over and here I sit. All showered with bug spray re-applied (think I need another shower now), my tent’s all set up for rain, since I checked the forecast, and my food is safely tucked away in the campsite garage so the bears don’t give me any trouble.
Hoping it doesn’t rain too much tonight and tomorrow, and I can get some sleep and make it to Boonville. Kevin and I have been playing phone tag, but I think I’ll be able to stay at his place if we can hook up. Peace. Out.
You're doing great, Katy! I now look forward to seeing my daily "new post" alert in Google Reader. Looks like you're about half-way to Buffalo! (Is that your next major stop?)