Today has not started out well. It rained last night, but I was prepared. All my stuff was safely tucked away and my rain fly was secured. I got up around 5:00 and it wasn’t raining, so I thought, “Great! I’ll get all packed up and get an early start for Pennsylvania.” Got everything spread out on the picnic table, and the sky opened up and it started pouring. Then, I was reaching under the picnic table to get my newspaper articles and I got stung by a bee. Grrrrrr…… Tried not to scream and curse too loudly; didn’t want to wake the neighbors. Then I thought back to some advice I heard recently: I simply remembered my favorite things, and you know what? I didn’t feel so bad! Wonder if that will work when the dog bites….
Got packed up and headed to a really nice breakfast place (wish I had gotten the name). It was the best breakfast I’ve had so far, and after I chatted with the owner about my ride, it was free. Then I headed on to look for a laundromat. The change machine ate my last five dollar bill, and there was no attendant to be found. A nice man walked in, tried to find the attendant, then gave me a handful of change, some laundry soap and a lottery ticket worth $2. I’m still amazed by it all. My clothes are clean and dry, and I just need to get packed up again.
Rode through the rain almost the whole way to Pennsylvania…YES I made it to Pennsylvania today. It was a very pretty, and FLAT ride (yay) with lots of views of Lake Erie, and I passed the vineyards for Welch’s grape juice! Route 5 was a nice ride, with a wide shoulder.
I figured I’d been through enough today, so I pulled over at the first motel I came to, and it’s a very nice one! The owner’s daughter just graduated from high school, so they’re having a big cookout for her. I told him about my bike ride and he gave me the room for half price and told me to come back and get a plate of food from the cookout. I’m pretty stuffed now, since I ate all that, a bag of chips and some #9 I bought in town. They have #9 in Pennsylvania…pretty cool. A taste of Vermont.
I actually have no idea where I’m headed tomorrow. Guess I should look at the next map! But first a shower. I love showers!!!! I’ve been watching Castaway on TV; I always liked that movie, especially when he finally gets the fire started. It’s nice to be able to relax a little at one of my stops. Seems like every time I stop for the night, it’s so late, I have to get to bed and then get going again in the morning.
Not sure what tomorrow will bring, but I know it’ll be good!
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