Sometimes you just have to laugh. I got everything ready for a much-needed cup of coffee this morning, set up the Jet Boil, grabbed my bag of coffee…*shake shake* “Huh?” I had bought whole bean coffee, planning on grinding it at home before I left, and never did. So, no coffee for me until I can find someone willing to grind it!
Another very rough night, although the earplugs worked beautifully. I actually got in the tent around 7:00, read my wet book for a while and drank Grand Marnier hoping it would help me sleep. It’s not very good by itself. The weather’s been perfect here, just windy and cool enough to keep most of the bugs away. Maybe I can heal a little…
I had a little visitor to my tent last night: a skunk. Yes folks, I freaked out a little. The last thing I need is to be hosed by a skunk while I’m in my tent. I whispered, “Shoo! Shoo!” and turned my light on and he left, much to my relief.
I decided I have GOT to get a pillow. I think that’s the main reason I can’t sleep in the tent. I just can’t get my head comfortable. If I see a camping supply store today, I’m there. Time to pack up and get down the road. Hopefully I can find a nice breakfast place (with coffee).
So now it’s tonight. Another rough day, but with a very happy ending. I did a lot of riding today; I’m guessing about 65 miles. Had a yummy pancake with 2 eggs on top in Texas. There were a lot more hills today, but the weather was absolutely perfect, in the beginning. I left around 7:00. Had to call Jason at one point because I turned right when I should have gone straight. He got me going the right way, but it was getting very late (almost 7:00 PM) and I was afraid I wouldn’t find a campground still open. I actually began to give up hope. Silly me. Here I sit in the nicest campground of the trip, for half the price. I’m sitting here staring at a beautiful sunset over Lake Ontario and it’s perfectly peaceful and quiet. I met a lady down the road who was so worried about me when I was searching for a campground, that she offered me a place to stay if needed.
I stopped for a creemee a while back (god, it was good) and a lady asked if I had protection with me. I asked, “From bugs?” She said, “No, from people!” I laughed and said I did, but I didn’t think I’d need it, since everyone I’ve met on this trip has been nothing but nice to me. She looked a little skeptical. As for wildlife, not much today (that was alive). Saw a bunny, a few barking dogs, one of those big marsh birds and some squirrels.
It’s getting dark, so I should probably hit the sack, literally! To all a good night…….
Oh Katy, Grandma would be so disappointed in you not knowing the "big marsh birds". They're probably great blue herons. :-) xoxoxo Keep pedaling!